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OK! time for some more love! L’Oreal professional stuff! June 10, 2010

Ok you won’t believe me but I am not a natural blonde! yes wow shocking I know!

So now you have taken a few moments to get over that shocking revelation I shall proceed….

Like many people I spend quite a bit of time and money at the hairdressers trying to achieve the perfect colour. (sometimes successfully and sometimes not but that’s another story)

Peroxide has been used on my hair to strip it of its natural colour (dark brown/ grey now though!) and therefore removing the pigment which can damage the hair and result in extreme drying out and frizzyness.  So I have to take extra care by trying to use professional products to maintain the moisture balance and condition of my hair.

Over the years I have used many different types of products available in the regular drug stores, but unfortunately nothing ever matches the results I see when I use professional salon products. Well they are way more expensive than regular shop products! So I would hope/expect better results right?

After years of using Fudge haircare products, my hair stylist recently introduced me to a range of L’Oreal professional hair products.

Ok, my hair is not extremely “visibly” damaged, but with all the peroxide treatments it is important that I take care of my hair.

After trying out the products one in particular stood out, L’Oreal Absolut repair Neofibrine from the expert series, this is a type of washout hair mask.

L'Oreal Professional Expert series Absolut repair Neofibrine TM.

After shampooing I applied the mask and let it work in for five minutes or so then washed it out.  I was expecting greasy results as when rinsing out I found my hair felt weighed down and oily, so I made sure to really wash it out well!

After towel drying my hair it still felt silky and kind of oily but with no residue. Still sceptical I dried my hair and that’s when I was presented with finished result!  Really soft, silky, glossy hair!

OK, so now I’m sounding a bit like a promo right? but seriously I don’t know how better to describe the results.  My hair felt just like it does when I have had it professionally treated at the hair salon.

As far as I’m aware (in the Netherlands anyway) this product is only available in professional hair salons, so if you’d like to try it out, contact a hair salon that stocks L’Oreal professional hair products.  If you need any help with this just drop me a line and I’ll be happy to give you some information.

Have you tried any good haircare products lately?

I’d love to know!!